



Sunday, November 23, 2014

#DCFerguson to rally at Mt. Vernon Square the 'day after' if no indictment!

Point of Contact: Salim Adofo                                                                                         

#DCFerguson will hold a rally, 7pm at Mt. Vernon Square in Washington DC, the “day after” if the grand jury in Ferguson, Missouri, does not indict Officer Darren Wilson for the murder of teenager Michael Brown.  #DCFerguson continues to stand in solidarity with the Michael Brown family and the sisters and brothers in Ferguson that are continuing to protest and resist the police murders of Black and Latino people every 28 hours in America. 

ANSWER Coalition organizer Eugene Puryear says,"The murder of Michael Brown and the situation in Ferguson can and should be a turning point. Where we finally come to terms with the root causes of these issues and address social deprivation and oppression and the police brutality that comes with it."

The initial sponsors of #DCFerguson include the National Black United Front, the ANSWER Coalition, We Act Radio, the Party forSocialism and Liberation and the American Muslim Alliance, as well as independent organizing networks that have sprung up in the wake of Michael Brown's killing.

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